Cloud Coders Warehouse Management System

Author: Marketing

Can Business Improve Warehouse Operations with Honeywell Forge?

As NetSuite SuiteScript developers we are always looking for ways to empower our clients to take control, work smarter and effectively manage their businesses. Often there is a major disconnect in managing the sales processes and warehouse operations as more businesses move into online sales. It was due to this recognised need that we began developing with Honeywell Forge, to integrate within the NetSuite platform and created a Warehouse Management System for businesses to manage their warehouse systems more efficiently. With completion of this project, we were recently approached by Online eCommerce store Hot Toner to improve their warehouse operations and help them manage their sales processes.

Correct Aging of Debtors Is Essential For End-of-Month Trading Terms in NetSuite

NetSuite is a highly flexible ERP and CRM system, however in some cases - such as trading terms - it just isn't able to cover all bases. Australian and European customers are accustomed to end-of-month terms, with many Australian businesses demanding 30 days EOM as a matter of course. When using End of Month Trading Terms, it is important that the Due Date of an Invoice is always calculated correctly.

Making the Most of Automatic Billing with NetSuite

Let face it, we all go into Business to make money, yet one of the biggest time processes for most businesses still seem to be around Billing and collecting payments from clients. With the rapid growth of cloud computing, mobile devices and the internet, Businesses are scrambling to shift from a transaction-centric relationship with their customer to one of a relationship that needs to be built and nurtured. Additionally, companies are facing pressures to launch, build and grow recurring revenue streams as a means to stay relevant in the marketplace. Finance teams can quickly become overwhelmed with multiple revenue streams, one-off and recurring revenue, customised payment terms and project-based billing. The result is often billing errors, wasted effort, revenue recognition issues and even loss of customers.